Friday, March 12, 2010

Hooray for Friday

Anybody else glad it is Friday? I know I am. The girls had the day off from school. So we all slept in. Katie is still sleeping away. It's also rainy and gloomy outside, and cold. Where did all the nice weather go to?? Come back warm weather, come back!!

I signed up to sell AVON yesterday go forth and hype it up, buy lipstick, jewelry and even a bra. Did you know AVON sells bras and underwear in their catalogs now?? I didn't. It definitely is not your grandmother's AVON anymore.

Now please please do something for me..... I was contacted by to do a giveaway. On Monday I will be telling you the details of what will be given away. I promise it is pretty cool. Or at least I think it is cool. Go tell all your friends to come by on Monday to enter the giveaway. Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top. :) And go check out . They have over 200 stores to shop from.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Now go browse and avon.